Kostoenea is an innovative passive-house rural retreat as it is the only one in the Basque Country to be certified by the Passivhaus Institut (we’ll soon complete the certification process). The Passivhaus Institut sets energy efficiency and comfort standards that allow energy savings of up to 90% in heating and cooling compared to typical buildings and more than 75% compared to new builds. It is very important to us for our home to be environmentally friendly and we wanted to make it as efficient as possible, for our everyday life and also to offer a sustainable and healthy tourism option to our guests.
Kostoenea makes efficient use of the sun, internal heat sources and heat recovery, making conventional heating systems unnecessary even in the coldest winters. During the warmer months, our home uses passive cooling techniques, such as strategic shading, to maintain comfort. For those warmer or colder times, the air-to-air heat pump comes into operation in combination with the mechanical ventilation system, providing a comfortable, healthy and energy-efficient indoor climate. We achieve an indoor temperature of between 20 and 25ºC all year round. And with the constant renewal of filtered air, you always breathe in fresh air without needing to open the windows!

Passive houses are praised for the high level of comfort they offer. Special triple-glazed windows and the building envelope, consisting of a highly insulated roof and floor slab as well as highly insulated exterior walls, keep the desired heat inside the house, or the unwanted heat outside, depending on the season.
Come and enjoy a unique experience whilst you care for the environment!